Communication Checklist
- Leave time for relating, socializing
- Plan interaction that supports their dreams and intentions
- Provide testimonials from people they see as important
- Don’t deal with details – pin them to modes of action
- Likes excitement – surprise
- Legislate or muffle
- Be curt, cold or tightlipped
- ‘Dream’ with them or you’ll lose
- Kid around too often
- ‘Stick to agenda’ too often
They tend to ask: “Who?” (the personal dominate question)
- Keep it brief
- Be clear and specific
- Be prepared with clear objectives & support material
- Give choices for making own decisions
- Motivate by referring to objectives and results
- Ramble or waste their time
- Try to build a relationship
- Forget or lose things
- Leave a loophole or cloud issues
- Direct or order
They tend to ask: “What?” (the results-oriented question)
- Break the ice with brief personal comment
- Show sincere interest in them as people
- Find areas of common involvement
- If you disagree, look for hurt feelings Provide assurance that minimizes risk
- Rush headlong into business
- Force them to respond quickly
- Be domineering or demanding
- Patronize thru subtlety & incentive
- Offer assurance you can’t fulfill
They tend to ask: “Why?” (the personal non-goal question)
- Prepare your ‘case’ in advance
- Approach straight forward – take your time
- Support their principles, list pro’s & con’s/suggestions
- Provide solid, tangible, practical evidence
- When appropriate, give them time to be thorough
- Be disorganized or messy
- Be giddy, casual, informal or loud
- Rush the decision making process
- Use someone’s opinion as evidence
- Threaten, whimper or cajole
They tend to ask: “Why?” and “How”? (the technical analytical question)