Colors & Money Series: Green$ (Part 4 of 4)

In this four-part series, we go through some common and basic insights into each Colors’ typical view of money – both the spending and investing parts. Do remember that we’re not only one Color: We’re a combination of all four that can shape and impact our actions, strengths and stresses, as well as our behavior with money!

Money is not generally a prime motivator for Greens. They have done the research to know what their compensation should be, and they know what they’re worth. Long after Facebooks’ valuation was into the billions, Mark Zuckerberg was still in a one bedroom apartment sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Money is great, but the priorities ten to be the type of work they get to do, their impact, and independence.

Greens do want the money because when they buy something, it’ll be expensive. It just isn’t likely to be spent on clothing, matching dishes or a dining room table for six (five people over making small talk….yea….not!).

Greens believe that it’s never overspending when it’s quality stuff – and also the latest and greatest from alone time things like riding lawn mowers, power tools, the best laptop, or most sophisticated video games. Quality almost always trumps cheaping out or settling!

The more expensive the purchase, the more time the research and questions that need to be answered: Are the walls 2×6? What’s the floor joist spacing? Corner beads or just tape on the drywall? What’s the insulation rating? How long have you dealt with your framing subcontractor? And so on…Yes: They need all the information – all the details – and then some. And you have zero chance of closing them on the first appointment or visit. The more you push – the quicker they leave. Greens may trust, but then they’ll research it to verify.

Once they buy (not once they’re sold – that never happens), they’re likely to be any seller’s best source of referrals. While Greens are only around 14% of the population, they influence seven times as many buying decisions as any other group. A New York based marketing firm calls them “prosumers” and Wharton had a great ad some years ago: Good news: 20% of your customers generate 150% of your profits. Bad news: You don’t know who they are. Worse news: You regularly tick them off.

You would look good wearing, driving, owning or having this or that! Sure, that might be a great sales pitch for Oranges who value image, but that’s a total turn-off for Greens. Their core value is credibility not image. It’s never about the brand name or fad of the month with Greens. Small wonder they avoid sales situations and do most everything online!

When it comes to their investments, Greens are likely to attempt to do it themselves. They typically agree with the premise that banks are only for parking some money, short term savings and a credit card and not for investing. Until they reach at least $100k, that leaves them on their own, which is not always the best idea. While Greens are very disciplined in their investing or paying off debts, it can be a minefield, go off track, and consume a lot of time. But it’s hard to trust investment advisors, hard to get “inside” information and not have access to proprietary research… The upside is that they can easily understand ETFs and know that historical returns are a valid guide. In their 20s and 30s they do well in growing their money with basic broader investments (like an S&P 500 index fund), value the tiny fees, and don’t panic or cash out when the markets drop.

If you’re in Canada: With over 540 tips, tricks & insights on everything financial, my $20 Money Tools & Rules (Canadian) book ( will easily give you 100 times that in savings in an hour of flipping through it. At Amazon Canada just search for George Boelcke or Money Tools & Rules.


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If you’re in the US: Sorry, the Fighting Back! (US) book is out of print since last year. 50-50 there’ll be a new book by next year…