The Gold Person

I’ll do it!!

Want: to plan and execute
Classic line: I know I’m right it’s either black or white
Biggest challenge: Don’t push closure or force our point of view – I understand your point of view

“I believe in following through on commitments and having others know that I am dependable, prepared and punctual. I am very loyal and understand what is right and wrong in life. I strongly value my home, family and traditions. I am a faithful and caring friend that loves helping others and fulfilling my sense of belonging. I plan things out properly and follow orderly and concrete steps to see things through to completion.”


Workplace Environment “I am most comfortable at a work site that is structured, giving me a sense of efficiency and permanence. I like work sites where my space is well defined. Work sites with large clocks, bulletin boards with schedules and specified rewards for accomplishment raise my confidence and performance level. I look forward to work where my superior rewards colleagues. I look for standard operating procedures with minimal conflict & predictable routines. I follow rules and focus on what needs to be done and can always be depended on to follow through.”

What you see and hear from a Gold

What you see:

  • Manner tends to be businesslike
  • Traditional dress and appearance
  • Neat appearance, a bit formal
  • Jewelry more conservative
  • Makes lists – uses lists
  • Hands kept under control, holding on to things, placed in pockets, etc.

What you hear:

  • Voice tone is businesslike
  • Wants information in writing
  • Wants detailed answers
  • May want to know the authority structure
  • Requests detailed information
  • Stays focused on the topic
  • Wants to establish the schedule and deadlines
  • Requests closure on subject or activity
  • Makes frequent judgements
  • Likes to explain things thoroughly
  • Voice tone is more even, not varied
  • May sound authoritarian
  • Tends to use “either … or” phrases