The Gold Quiz

Only read this if you have a sense of humor! Maybe this could be a new Gold assessment… and count how many of these you agree with:

  • You tell people what to do and they don’t, and then they can’t understand why their lives are a mess and it bugs you.
  • You are told you are bossy and you are proud of it.  After all, SOMEBODY has to make things happen around here, don’t they? If people only listened to you they’d be better off.
  • Messy nature bothers you. When you’re going for a walk in a forested area you often think somebody should clean up the fallen trees and dead branches all over the place.
  • You don’t like to lend books, stapler, etc. to your coworkers, or tools to your neighbor, and if you do in a weak moment, you fight the urge to make them sign a personal guarantee.
  • It’s hard for you to delegate. You prefer to do it yourself, even though you’re exhausted, because it’s hard to trust other people. And even if you could trust them, they don’t do as good a job as you do anyhow, so it’s often more efficient to do it yourself.
  • You must finish everything you start.  Even if it’s a book or movie that you realize you hate.
  • You buy a 6-pack of Coke instead of a big bottle, because you can use what you need out of the 6-pack and not have any go flat and have all that waste, which just cancels any savings.
  • You roll spare change.
  • You watch shows like “Tidying Up,” “Clean Sweep,” or “Hoarders” and are amazed, but horrified, at how people can get themselves into these predicaments.
  • Your unofficial job description is CONTROLLER (and you like it).
  • On a perforated form, it drives you crazy to have a tiny tag of paper left hanging.
  • You are always the family member who plans the family vacations. You complain about all that work, however, you secretly enjoy the planning process. And besides, you wouldn’t cough up your hard earned dough for a vacation where you haven’t personally supervised all the details.

How many statements do you agree with?

Score of 9-12:             Congratulations, YOU are a certified Gold member. Now could you dial it back a little?

Score of 6-8:               You pick your spots to turn on your “goldness” – or maybe you’ve done the Colors seminar and are working hard to know there’s a time and a place for everything…

Score of 5 or less:       Gold is only for jewellry. It’s likely you got a headache (or a chuckle) just reading these.

PS: I need to build a Blue and an Orange quiz. If you have an idea of what to include, press reply and help my non-creative Gold!