Things That Can Drive Greens Crazy

In an average day, high Greens (first or second Color) see or hear a bunch of things that are clearly wrong, misspelled or whatever. Most of the time, they just shake their head and move on. On days when they’re out of esteem (from Colors Advanced or the Colors at Work chapter), when they’re having a bad day, or are just “off” these things bother them more, and last longer. Here are a few examples of mine, or some that they’ve shared with me:

If the Phoenix Suns (NBA) win the playoff series (last week), they will move on in the playoffs

Calgary news headline station gave their station ID 34 times in 15 minutes. Often twice in the same sentence

Big street sign: Hitches installed – no whiring   Same guy installing that spells the sign?

Gardening talk-show: You can now get our email newsletter, but it comes through the internet

TV commercial: My friend has to set aside a whole morning each week to take her pill…so you should buy our product…

United Airlines lost luggage: Everybody’s sorry but nobody can get my luggage four miles from the airport to the hotel in less than 24 hours

Flight attendant after landing: We will not begin deplaning until the cabin door has been opened

Extensive media reporting on two parents critical of Oprah Winfrey’s school for girls in South Africa: “It’s like a prison” because kids can’t use their cell phones…The stupidity of the comment and of any media outlet actually using it…Oprah stated that it doesn’t affect her. Yes it does – she’s Blue