Three Short Stories…

1..Priceless: At a seminar, a Gold came up to me during the break. She wanted to share an “organized” story in that she has labels on the shelving in her fridge. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to the “why” question of whether she has kids, or just does for her own benefit.

But the priceless part of the exchange was from an Orange person listening in. You wouldn’t believe the totally stunned and “what the…” look on her face when she heard this. It was literally, “you what?? Why? The only thing in my fridge is some milk from last month…” True, most Oranges, especially if they’re single, really don’t need a fridge at all.

2..A Cool gift for Green kids:

Build your own computer! Comes in a package where your Green child has to assemble the computer. They’ll learn how to build it, use it, and some basic programming skills to get it going! It’s at – and if your Green child (or you as a Green parent) need credibility: It was Time Magazine “best invention” 2018 and finalist for the 2019 Toy Of The Year Award.

3..Disney World – The ultimate happy place:

About 20 million adults visit Disney World each year…without a kid! It’s certainly a place that lets you embrace your inner child and enter a magical world of illusion. The real or piped in chirping birds, the fragrances in the air, the music, and magical characters from our childhood…

For Disney, weddings and honeymoons are a huge business. And maybe a major reason Blues and Oranges have kids is so that they can have a reason to go to Disney World…