Tips for Dealing With Your Green Boss

  • When they are giving you feedback, they are NOT criticizing you, they are giving you information. In the same manner, when they ask you questions, they are not picking holes in your argument or thought process, but rather that they want to learn, too. There’s a big difference.
  • Don’t ask a bunch of feedback questions. Am I on the right track? What do you think? Do you agree? Remember that they tend to be people of few words, so give them time and information and stop acting insecure or looking for instant feedback. They’ll let you know what’s on their mind – just don’t keep asking.
  • Be satisfied with short and to-the-point answers and conversations. If you’ve done Colors, you know they are people of few words, well chosen and direct. Why do so many people seem to ignore that knowledge when they’re actually talking to a high Green?
  • Greens do not like to repeat themselves and can get stressed or snappy by explaining things over and over, or being asked the same question a number of times. When you ask fresh, new, challenging or thought-provoking questions, they’ll tend to have all the time in the world for you – just don’t ask the same stuff again that you ought to have caught onto by now.

Operate on the knowledge that you’re doing a great job and don’t look for too much external validation. Assume you’re doing a good job until you hear differently. Don’t assume that you must not be doing the right thing or the high Green would praise you – you’re thinking totally backwards. It’s just not their style. If you weren’t – you WOULD hear about it. Until then, stop looking for verbal affirmations and enjoy the fact that your high Green boss will give you a lot of freedom and independence. Your Green boss is treating you the same way they want to be treated by their boss.