Any Chance Of Getting a 2nd Date?

Ever had a pretty good first date and….the end? There’s a radio station where the hosts will let you contact them with the scoop on the first (and only) date. They’ll interview (debrief) you, and then get the other person on the phone to find out what (clearly) went wrong, and to see if they can help facilitate a second date.

The segment doesn’t really work as the hosts attempt to do nothing but make it into a comedy routine, and there’s a third super-annoying goober in the background constantly laughing. But to the two “datees” it’s quite serious. The one segment linked below is about super Gold Nathan’s first date with Madeline. If opposites attract in relationships – this one: not so much… It’s hard to tell Madeline’s Colors because she’s too apprehensive and nervous after having been ambushed by the radio station call. But she’s clearly not that keen on Mr. Gold

In Nathan’s world AND on his first date that ended in his apartment, Madeline was clearly rattled by his obsession with clean and neat: Dirt is BAD! Dirt is the enemy – my apartment will NEVER be dirty…while Madeline was projecting ahead to what could happen if she ever spilled something. Clearly she felt really uncomfortable at his place. So the hope of a second date crashed and burned. I don’t think Nathan understood the (over the top) issue: “Good bye – take care – the dirty will be judged.”

Whether it’s a first date, with your partner, boss, or co-workers, what part of your Colors taken too far stop being strengths and start to make trouble for you? It’s part of Colors Advanced and a chapter in the Colors at Work book. Not every strength is a strength, but you can’t change what you don’t know or acknowledge.

Here’s the link to just listen to part 2: