Whether it’s a gift for Christmas or a birthday, it is always important to know the other persons’ primary Color. Buying gifts isn’t about what you prefer – it’s what will make the other person happy.
While nothing beats knowing their favorite hobbies, music, interests, or just something they’ve already hinted about, here are a few points to remember for this year’s Christmas shopping:
Greens are the least likely to have much interest in giving or getting gifts. It’s OK to avoid spending a bunch of time on most things sentimental. Greens really appreciate some strong clues as to exactly what you’d like. They love to make you happy and will spend a lot of time mulling what to buy. But if you’d just let them know WHAT will make you happy (if you’re not Green), they’d really appreciate it, get it done, and get back to dealing with more important issues. They are the largest group to buy on-line, so go ahead and send them the link to what you’d like. In return, if you cannot find the “perfect” Green present, they’d love to have a gift card from Amazon or their favorite electronics store. It takes the pressure off you to find the right present, because they will – in January. And one more thing: Most Greens have a neutral poker face. You know that, so don’t be looking for a lot of emotional reaction no matter how thrilled they are with your present!
Blues are very sentimental. Others, especially their partner, knows this, but either forgets, ignores, or downplays that fact. Don’t do it when it comes to a present. Forget gadgets or practical gifts. If it’s a ring, make sure it’s inscribed. Better yet, if it’s something you made yourself, it’ll go a long way to showing the depth of your love for a Blue. Or make it something that spoils them, such as a spa day, massages, etc. Since your Blue partner also remembers your first date or dinner, think along the lines of re-creating that first date. They’ll remember what you ordered, the weather, what the waiter wore, and the exact color of the table cloths – so you’ll have to do some digging in your memory banks. But it’ll be well worth it! If you don’t – you’ll still get the Blue reaction that they’re thrilled with their present, even if it’s not true. So go the extra mile to make a romantic Blue genuinely happy. You can’t imagine the mileage it’ll get you.
Oranges look for presents that are fun, thrilling, the latest or greatest, or anything unique and very hard to find. You can forget a trip to Staples, and you’re not likely to hit the mark with clothes that are trendy or must-have, unless you’re a fellow Orange. You will need to think “big” in terms of the present and probably the price. If you haven’t been on the mark for a few years, at least Oranges are not shy about giving you some pretty direct hints. If you’ve kind of struck out more than once, they’ll just buy their own presents and may give you the bill. But can you act like an Orange this year? Can you just step up and get an airline ticket, or book a cruise? Just do it – they’ll love it and Oranges will certainly find a way to get the time off work! Oh, and keep the presents somewhere away from your house. Oranges are the worst at delayed gratification. There’s a good chance they will snoop through the house to find the hiding spot for the presents. It’s almost in their DNA, so be warned! If you don’t believe me, ask them (or one of their family members)!
Golds will be the largest group to really appreciate a hint as to what another Color would like. Spending money on gifts is a big expense, so they want to get it right! But buying for Golds should probably be broken down separately into men and women. Gold men tend to prefer something practical and useful. Perhaps something that makes their life, and all their to-do lists, easier to accomplish? Forget something extravagant or hand-made, it won’t hit the mark with discerning Gold men. Most Gold women value gifts with sentimental value. It shows the time, love, and care that went into buying their present. It will be on track, be valued for a very long time, and they will display it proudly. If you’re thinking jewelry – you’re right on track. Some Gold women love a special decoration for their Christmas tree each year, or perhaps some type of really special crystal in a series. If that works, you have found the perfect gift that you can add onto for years to come!